2012 - 2013
fall 2012
14 October 2012:
Cadets Jordan Walker, Trent Kirkpatrick and Tyler Toppenberg competed in the challenging Run and Gun in the Sun Biathlon 2-Gun match. Competitors must run 6.5 miles with all equipment and weapons necessary to complete 5 challenging courses of fire with the rifle and pistol. Cadet Kirkpatrick took 16th, Cadet Walker took 23rd and Cadet Toppenberg took 32nd; there were a total of 74 competitors at the match. This was the CCMU's first time at this competition, and it certainly won't be the last.

28 October 2012:
CCMU takes 2nd at the SPP Northeast Fall Regional match in Boston, MA narrowly being edged out by the University of Vermont in centerfire competition.
1st: University of Vermont
2nd: Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit
3rd: Coast Guard Academy
4th: Harvard University
Spring 2013
2 February 2013:
CCMU takes home1st place over University of Florida in both Centerfire and Rimfire divisions at the first Annual Scholastic Pistol Program's Southwest Regional Championship hosted by the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets and sponsored by GLOCK.

March 2013:
CCMU spends the weekend at Angel Fire Shooting School learning from former Army Ranger Sniper Butch Engel and 3'Gun world competitors Benny Hill, Ty Gentry and JK Rowsey before competing in a Tactical Shogun competition at the Corpus Christi Rifle & Pistol Club.
March 2013:
CCMU took home 2nd place rimfire and 3rd place centerfire at the Scholastic Pistol Program National Championship in Ft. Benning, Georgia
Freshman Zach Williams was top shooter at the competition with an overall time of 48.92 seconds and Senior Matt Hawes brought home an extremely close 2nd at 48.93 seconds.
Team made a side trip to visit the USS Alabama while returning from the Scholastic Pistol Program National Championship in Ft. Benning, Georgia

March 2013:
CCMU Cadets make a respectable fist showing at the annual Join Service Academy Combat Weapon Competition.
The team competed in the 9 stage 3-gun competition hosted by Smith & Wesson in Springfield, MA. Pulling in close with the Service Academies' teams, Zach Williams '16 secured a spot as #5 overall in competition. Taking home a volume of new knowledge and experience the team looks forward to preparing for the challenge and returning next year.
CCMU presented with Joint Service Academy Combat Weapons Challenge Coins by Medal of Honor recipient Sammy Davis during competition awards banquet.

April 2013:
CCMU kicks back with its first annual BBQ. The day was comprised of good food, friendly competition and presentation of awards.
The team presented Military Advisor GySgt Parker an M1 Garand as a token of our appreciate for his tireless efforts and limitless support.

March 2013:
CCMU being recognized as "Most Outstanding Team" at the Corps of Cadets Athletics Banquet. Plaque presented by Commander Brigadier General Ramirez, TAMU Men's Basketball Coach Billy Kennedy and CCA Executive Director Colonel Crawford.
CCMU in the NEWS
30 October 2013: AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Takes 3 of the Top 15 Places at Pecos Run-N-Gun
7 June 2013: The Aggie Network
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit
3 June 2013: The Outdoor Wire
Texas A&M Marksmanship Unit Names New Cadet CO
3 June 2013: AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
Williams Named Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Outstanding Cadet of the Year
29 May 2013: The Shooting Wire
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Honored at Texas A&M
3 April 2013: The Shooting Wire
Between the Berms: When Future Warriors Meet
15 February 2013: The Outdoor Wire
Texas A&M Aggie Corps of Cadets carry the day at the 1st Annual Scholastic Pistol Program's Winter Regionals
3 January 2013: The Shooting Wire Between The Berms: Call of Duty... Err, Competition