CCMU news
Press releases
30 October 2013: AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Takes 3 of the Top 15 Places at Pecos Run-N-Gun
7 June 2013: The Aggie Network
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit
3 June 2013: The Outdoor Wire
Texas A&M Marksmanship Unit Names New Cadet CO
3 June 2013: AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
Williams Named Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Outstanding Cadet of the Year
29 May 2013: The Shooting Wire
Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit Honored at Texas A&M
3 April 2013: The Shooting Wire
Between the Berms: When Future Warriors Meet
15 February 2013: The Outdoor Wire
Texas A&M Aggie Corps of Cadets carry the day at the 1st Annual Scholastic Pistol Program's Winter Regionals
3 January 2013: The Shooting Wire Between The Berms: Call of Duty... Err, Competition